ror1-702x336The messenger angel-Rhapsody of Realities- is a life-guide with rich teachings from God’s Word; reputed as the world’s number 1 daily devotional.
Several millions of copies of the best-selling daily devotional and Bible-study guide have been distributed in over 242 countries in 800 languages of the world including Afrikaans, Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Mandarin, Myanmar, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili…and still counting! New languages are added regularly, making the devotional accessible to many more in different parts of the globe, thus bringing the richness of God’s Word into their lives. Little wonder the devotional, oftentimes, is referred to as the, ‘Messenger Angel’ Rhapsody of Realities also features LoveWorld News, a full pictorial and coloured mid-page magazine, which contains latest updates and reports of the ministry’s programmes around the world.

The devotional has been designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development. In addition to the inspiring, revelational and Word-based articles, each edition also features a special Word-study page every week, where you’ll learn about certain key words and their scriptural Hebrew and Greek imports and connotations.

You will be refreshed, completely transformed and positioned for a day-to-day experience of success and victory as you go through the life-changing thoughts in this month’s devotional.

For more Information, Please visit